Sunday, December 28, 2014

Baby's First Christmas

This year Cheistmas was a wild card.  We had no expectations except to just enjoy the festivities with family.  

I am so glad that I didn't have high hopes and dreams for baby's first Christmas, because she did not love it.  All the people, noise and movement made for one very overstimulated baby who wanted to eat and nap a lot!  Since we didn't have big plans, it was a wonderful celebration of Christ's birth with our family...without having to run all over creation or cutting visits short and I was not disappointed one bit.  By the end of the day she figured out how to tear the paper {and put it in her mouth} and we were reminded of the importance of taking breaks and stepping away from the chaos for moments of silence {which we all benefitted from}.

2014 was a crazy year for us.  Much of the year is a blur between the craziness of buying a house, remodeling, losing some very important people, welcoming some new ones into the family, having a baby, sleepless nights and learning to become parents.  Even through the crazy, we have been blessed beyond belief and will look back on this past year with warm hearts, knowing each moment went just as it was intended.  I can't say it was a year I would do over, but it was a year of great learning and great change.

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