Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Morning Walks

This morning I set out for a walk with the little one in the sling and my pup's leash wrapped around my wrist.  I was clearly losing control with a crying baby and a dog that was less interested in walking and more interested in sniffing.  An older man was working in his yard and stopped us to talk.  I usually keep it short and sweet when there is crying because I assume it bothers people and I hope that if I keep moving it will calm her and help her fall asleep.  But this man was not bothered by the crying or my lack of control.

I prepared for the typical questions I hear when people see I have an infant which include:

"Does she sleep for you?"

"Is she a fussy baby?"

"Is she a good baby?"

I hate all those questions.  It's as if a person can understand my experience or my baby with those ridiculous questions and my answers seem to be placed on some invisible scale to determine my ability to adjust and be happy.

Assuming this would be a similar conversation, I was pleasantly surprised and a bit taken back, when this man first asked two questions that changed my day.... "Is she healthy?" and "Do you love her?"

I smiled and was able to happily answer 'yes' to both questions.  We contined to talk for a minute about how fast the years fly by, the beautiful weather and football {We Are!}.  I left the conversation feeling good about being a parent and feeling blessed by this healthy, screaming baby in my arms.  By asking two simple questions, this man changed my outlook, reminded me of my blessings and made me smile in an otherwise chaotic moment.  And even though she did not fall asleep, I did get this happy face when she was able to sit in her swing.

Words are powerful and can impact positive change when used correctly.  It's like my mom always says, "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all".

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