Tuesday, November 25, 2014

A Thankful Heart

The past year I have worked to adopt a mindset of gratitude.  Everyday I took a minute to find something to be thankful for....some days it was easier than others, but as the year went on it became a habit that has brought so much joy, reduced my stress and left me wanting for so much less.  There were a few mountains to climb over the year {some took longer to climb than others}, but I truly believe I made it to the top each time because of this new choice to acknowledge my very many blessings each day.

This Thanksgiving I am especially thankful for the love of my Heavenly Father, the little girl who made me a mom, a husband who is excited to live this life with me, a supportive and present family, a house that has become a home, joy unspeakable, friends who have climbed to the mountain top with me and the excitement of what tomorrow may bring.

Happy Thanksgiving dear friends!

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